Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Riley's Christening

We finally had Riley christened the Saturday after Christmas. Doing it on a Saturday was genius...much less stressful and much easier to arrange...although there were a few crazy moments. We didn't have a huge crowd, but it was nice. The service was very sweet and Riley enjoyed every bit of it. I think it's so awesome that my father-in-law has christened each of his grandchildren. I agonized over what Riley was going to wear. I had planned a beautiful gown of giger batiste, but never got it off the ground. And then I wondered if maybe he was too old to wear a gown. I briefly considered making a "suit" but knew it'd be too difficult to get it done. I looked a couple of places for something appropriate, but couldn't find what I wanted--everything white I could find was made for warmer weather or had Christmas smocking on it. Then the forecast predicted really warm weather for the day of the christening and I thought I'd go buy one of the short white suits I'd found. Much to my dismay the shops were all closed until Saturday morning, and I wasn't adding a trip to get an outfit to the list of stuff I had to do before going to the church. I reluctantly pulled out Landon's christening gown. I'm not terribly proud of's made of imperial batiste, and although I like the hand embroidery work I did on it, the collar doesn't meet in the center front and it just isn't what I would deem "quality work" overall. But it was at least finished, would fit, and was appropriate--and hey, it got another wear and no one pointed or laughed (although my stepdad did grumble about him being in a dress ;-) )
Pictures were nearly impossible. Riley *loved* the gown and he kicked his feet and grabbed the skirt and just would not look up for pictures.
This is what Landon was doing during the service.
I think he's reaching for the candles. He said "hot, hot" "pfft, pfft" throughout the service.
Are attempts at full family photos always going to be this amusing? ;)
We went to eat lunch with some friends after the service and Kenna and her new friend, Evan, had so much fun together. They adore one another.

1 comment:

ashley.and.graham said...

Hi, Christa!
What a joy it is to see your blog and to think that I have an easy way to keep up with y'all now. I love the christening gown and think it's sweet that they both got to wear it. I just finished making Eden a sleep sack tonight (traced the one I bought for a pattern) out of turquoise material with cute monkey heads on it - so cute. Tell Matthew and everyone hello for me!